The default approach to styling content in jQuery Mobile is simple: Use a light hand. Our goal is to let the browser's native rendering take precedence; we add a bit of padding for more comfortable readability, and use the theming system to apply the font family and colors.

Taking a light hand with content styling gives designers and developers a clean slate to work with, instead of fighting against a lot of complex style overhead.

Default HTML markup styling

By default, jQuery Mobile themes use standard HTML styles and sizes for standard markup elements like headers, paragraph content, block quotes, anchor links, standard ordered, unordered and definition lists, and tables — as shown in the examples below:

H1 Heading

H2 Heading

H3 Heading

H4 Heading

H5 Heading
H6 Heading

This is a paragraph that contains strong, emphasized and linked text. Here is more text so you can see how HTML markup works in content. Here is more text so you can see how HTML markup works in content.

How about some blockquote action with a cite

This is another paragraph of text so you can see how HTML markup works in content. This is another paragraph of text so you can see how HTML markup works in content. This is another paragraph of text so you can see how HTML markup works in content.

We add a few styles to tables and fieldsets to make them more legible, which are easily overridden with customs styles.

  • Unordered list item 1
  • Unordered list item 1
  • Unordered list item 1
  1. Ordered list item 1
  2. Ordered list item 1
  3. Ordered list item 1
Definition term
I'm the definition text
Definition term
I'm the definition text
Travel Itinerary
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Total: 3 flights
JetBlue 983 Boston (BOS) New York (JFK)
JetBlue 354 San Francisco (SFO) Los Angeles (LAX)
JetBlue 465 New York (JFK) Portland (PDX)